Package: DiagrammeR

DiagrammeR: Graph/Network Visualization

Build graph/network structures using functions for stepwise addition and deletion of nodes and edges. Work with data available in tables for bulk addition of nodes, edges, and associated metadata. Use graph selections and traversals to apply changes to specific nodes or edges. A wide selection of graph algorithms allow for the analysis of graphs. Visualize the graphs and take advantage of any aesthetic properties assigned to nodes and edges.

Authors:Richard Iannone [aut, cre], Olivier Roy [aut]

DiagrammeR.pdf |DiagrammeR.html
DiagrammeR/json (API)

# Install 'DiagrammeR' in R:
install.packages('DiagrammeR', repos = c('', ''))

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15.18 score 1.7k stars 87 packages 3.8k scripts 28k downloads 12 mentions 241 exports 65 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:eaf57eb7f0. Checks:4 OK, 4 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 17 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 17 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 17 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 17 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEFeb 17 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEFeb 17 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEFeb 17 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEFeb 17 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add a balanced tree to the graphadd_balanced_tree
Add a cycle of nodes to the graphadd_cycle
Add an edge between nodes in a graph objectadd_edge
Add a clone of an existing edge to the graphadd_edge_clone
Add edges from an edge data frame to an existing graph objectadd_edge_df
Add edges and attributes to graph from a tableadd_edges_from_table
Add one or more edges using a text stringadd_edges_w_string
Add new edges with identical definitions as with a selection of edgesadd_forward_edges_ws
Add a fully connected graphadd_full_graph
Add one or more global graph attributesadd_global_graph_attrs
Add a G(n, m) Erdos-Renyi graphadd_gnm_graph
Add a G(n, p) Erdos-Renyi graphadd_gnp_graph
Add a graph action for execution at every transformadd_graph_action
Add graph object to a graph series objectadd_graph_to_graph_series
Add a 2D grid of nodes to the graphadd_grid_2d
Add a 3D grid of nodes to the graphadd_grid_3d
Create a random growing graph with m edges added per stepadd_growing_graph
Create a random islands graph with edges between the islandsadd_islands_graph
Add one or several clones of an existing node to the graphadd_n_node_clones
Add one or several unconnected nodes to the graphadd_n_nodes
Add a multiple of new nodes with edges to or from one or more selected nodesadd_n_nodes_ws
Add a node to an existing graph objectadd_node
Add clones of a selection of nodesadd_node_clones_ws
Add nodes from a node data frame to an existing graph objectadd_node_df
Add nodes from distinct values in data frame columnsadd_nodes_from_df_cols
Add nodes and attributes to graph from a tableadd_nodes_from_table
Add a preferential attachment graphadd_pa_graph
Add a path of nodes to the graphadd_path
Add a prism of nodes to the graphadd_prism
Add new edges in the opposite directions of a selection of edgesadd_reverse_edges_ws
Add a Watts-Strogatz small-world graphadd_smallworld_graph
Add a star of nodes to the graphadd_star
Clear an active selection of nodes or edgesclear_selection
Apply colors based on edge attribute valuescolorize_edge_attrs
Apply colors based on node attribute valuescolorize_node_attrs
Combine multiple edge data frames into a single edge data framecombine_edfs
Combine two graphs into a single graphcombine_graphs
Combine multiple node data framescombine_ndfs
Copy an edge attribute column and set the namecopy_edge_attrs
Copy a node attribute column and set the namecopy_node_attrs
Get the number of asymmetrically-connected node pairscount_asymmetric_node_pairs
Get the number of automorphismscount_automorphisms
Get a count of all edgescount_edges
Count graphs in a graph series objectcount_graphs_in_graph_series
Get count of all loop edgescount_loop_edges
Get the number of mutually-connected node pairscount_mutual_node_pairs
Get a count of all nodescount_nodes
Get the number of strongly-connected componentscount_s_connected_cmpts
Get the number of unconnected node pairscount_unconnected_node_pairs
Get count of all unconnected nodescount_unconnected_nodes
Get the number of weakly-connected componentscount_w_connected_cmpts
Create an edge data framecreate_edge_df
Create a graph objectcreate_graph
Create a graph series objectcreate_graph_series
Create a node data framecreate_node_df
ISO-4217 currency data.currencies
Delete vectors cached in a graph objectdelete_cache
Delete an edge from an existing graph objectdelete_edge
Delete all selected edges in an edge selectiondelete_edges_ws
Delete one of the global graph attributes stored within a graph objectdelete_global_graph_attrs
Delete one or more graph actions stored within a graph objectdelete_graph_actions
Delete all loop edges associated with a selection of nodesdelete_loop_edges_ws
Delete a node from an existing graph objectdelete_node
Delete all nodes in a node selectiondelete_nodes_ws
Deselect any selected edges in a graphdeselect_edges
Deselect any selected nodes in a graphdeselect_nodes
R + mermaid.jsDiagrammeR
Widget output function for use in ShinyDiagrammeROutput
Display a property graph's underlying modeldisplay_metagraph
Use the breadth-first search (bfs) algorithmdo_bfs
Use the depth-first search (dfs) algorithmdo_dfs
Drop an edge attribute columndrop_edge_attrs
Drop a node attribute columndrop_node_attrs
Insert edge aesthetic attributes during edge creationedge_aes
Insert edge data attributes during edge creationedge_data
Edge list - Version 1.edge_list_1
Edge list - Version 2.edge_list_2
Export a graph to CSV filesexport_csv
Export a graph to various image formatsexport_graph
Subset a graph series objectfilter_graph_series
Create a graph using an adjacency matrixfrom_adj_matrix
Convert an igraph graph to a DiagrammeR onefrom_igraph
Fully connect all nodes in a selection of nodesfully_connect_nodes_ws
Fully disconnect all nodes in a selection of nodesfully_disconnect_nodes_ws
Generate DOT code using a graph objectgenerate_dot
Get graph adhesionget_adhesion
Get an aggregate value from the indegree of nodesget_agg_degree_in
Get an aggregate value from the outdegree of nodesget_agg_degree_out
Get an aggregate value from the total degree of nodesget_agg_degree_total
Get all nodes connected to a specified nodeget_all_connected_nodes
Get the alpha centrality for all nodesget_alpha_centrality
Get articulation pointsget_articulation_points
Get the authority scores for all nodesget_authority_centrality
Get betweenness centrality scoresget_betweenness
Get a cached vector from a graph objectget_cache
Get closeness centrality valuesget_closeness
Get closeness vitalityget_closeness_vitality
Get community membership by edge betweennessget_cmty_edge_btwns
Get community membership by modularity optimizationget_cmty_fast_greedy
Get community membership by leading eigenvectorget_cmty_l_eigenvec
Get community membership by Louvain optimizationget_cmty_louvain
Get community membership using the Walktrap methodget_cmty_walktrap
Get all common neighbors between two or more nodesget_common_nbrs
Get coreness values for graph nodesget_coreness
Get total degree distribution data for a graphget_degree_distribution
Get histogram data for a graph's degree frequencyget_degree_histogram
Get indegree values for all nodesget_degree_in
Get outdegree values for all nodesget_degree_out
Get total degree values for all nodesget_degree_total
Get Dice similarity coefficient scoresget_dice_similarity
Get node eccentricitiesget_eccentricity
Get edge attribute valuesget_edge_attrs
Get edge attribute values from a selection of edgesget_edge_attrs_ws
Get count of edge definitions where multiple edges occurget_edge_count_w_multiedge
Get an edge data frame from a graphget_edge_df
Get the graph's edf filtered by a selection of edgesget_edge_df_ws
Get a vector of edge ID valuesget_edge_ids
Get detailed information on edgesget_edge_info
Get node IDs associated with edgesget_edges
Get the eigen centrality for all nodesget_eigen_centrality
Get the graph girthget_girth
Get global graph attributesget_global_graph_attr_info
Get information on any available graph actionsget_graph_actions
Get a graph available in a seriesget_graph_from_graph_series
Get metrics for a graphget_graph_info
Get the graph log informationget_graph_log
Get graph nameget_graph_name
Get information on a graph seriesget_graph_series_info
Get the graph date-time or timezoneget_graph_time
Get Jaccard similarity coefficient scoresget_jaccard_similarity
Get the last set of edges created in a graphget_last_edges_created
Get the last set of nodes created in a graphget_last_nodes_created
Get leverage centralityget_leverage_centrality
Get the maximum graph eccentricityget_max_eccentricity
Get the mean distanceget_mean_distance
Get the minimum cut between source and sink nodesget_min_cut_between
Get the minimum graph eccentricityget_min_eccentricity
Get the count of multiple edgesget_multiedge_count
Get all neighbors of one or more nodesget_nbrs
Get node attribute valuesget_node_attrs
Get node attribute values from a selection of nodesget_node_attrs_ws
Get a node data frame from a graphget_node_df
Get the graph's ndf filtered by a selection of nodesget_node_df_ws
Get a vector of node ID valuesget_node_ids
Get detailed information on nodesget_node_info
Get non-neighbors of a node in a graphget_non_nbrs
Get the PageRank values for all nodesget_pagerank
Get paths from a specified node in a directed graphget_paths
Get nodes that form the graph peripheryget_periphery
Get node IDs for predecessor nodes to the specified nodeget_predecessors
Get radiality centrality scoresget_radiality
Get the graph reciprocityget_reciprocity
Get nodes within strongly connected componentsget_s_connected_cmpts
Get the current selection available in a graph objectget_selection
Get neighboring nodes based on node attribute similarityget_similar_nbrs
Get node IDs for successor nodes to the specified nodeget_successors
Get all nodes associated with connected componentsget_w_connected_cmpts
R + viz.jsgrViz
Widget output function for use in ShinygrVizOutput
Import a graph from various graph formatsimport_graph
Invert selection of nodes or edges in a graphinvert_selection
Is the edge a loop edge?is_edge_loop
Is the edge a multiple edge?is_edge_multiple
Is the edge mutual with another edge?is_edge_mutual
Determine whether a specified edge is presentis_edge_present
Is the graph a connected graph?is_graph_connected
Is the graph a directed acyclic graph?is_graph_dag
Is the graph a directed graph?is_graph_directed
Is the graph empty?is_graph_empty
Is the graph a simple graph?is_graph_simple
Is the graph an undirected graph?is_graph_undirected
Is the graph a weighted graph?is_graph_weighted
Determine whether a specified node is presentis_node_present
Is the graph a property graph?is_property_graph
Join new edge attribute values using a data framejoin_edge_attrs
Join new node attribute values using a data framejoin_node_attrs
Layout nodes using a text-based schematiclayout_nodes_w_string
R + mermaid.jsmermaid
Mutate a set of edge attribute valuesmutate_edge_attrs
Mutate edge attribute values for a selection of edgesmutate_edge_attrs_ws
Mutate a set of node attribute valuesmutate_node_attrs
Mutate node attribute values for a selection of nodesmutate_node_attrs_ws
Insert node aesthetic attributes during node creationnode_aes
Insert node data attributes during node creationnode_data
Node list - Version 1.node_list_1
Node list - Version 2.node_list_2
Move layout positions of a selection of nodesnudge_node_positions_ws
Read a graph or graph series from diskopen_graph
Recode a set of edge attribute valuesrecode_edge_attrs
Recode a set of node attribute valuesrecode_node_attrs
Remove a graph from a graph seriesremove_graph_from_graph_series
Rename an edge attributerename_edge_attrs
Rename a node attributerename_node_attrs
Render the graph in various formatsrender_graph
Render a graph available in a seriesrender_graph_from_graph_series
Widget render function for use in ShinyrenderDiagrammeR
Widget render function for use in ShinyrenderGrViz
Reorder the stored series of graph actionsreorder_graph_actions
Razor-like template for diagram specificationreplace_in_spec
Rescale numeric edge attribute valuesrescale_edge_attrs
Rescale numeric node attribute valuesrescale_node_attrs
Reverse the direction of all edges in a graphrev_edge_dir
Reverse the direction of selected edges in a graph using an edge selectionrev_edge_dir_ws
Save a graph or graph series to disksave_graph
Select edges in a graphselect_edges
Select edges in a graph using edge ID valuesselect_edges_by_edge_id
Select edges in a graph using node ID valuesselect_edges_by_node_id
Select the last set of edges created in a graphselect_last_edges_created
Select the last set of nodes created in a graphselect_last_nodes_created
Select nodes in a graphselect_nodes
Select nodes in the graph based on their degree valuesselect_nodes_by_degree
Select nodes in a graph by their ID valuesselect_nodes_by_id
Select nodes based on a walk distance from a specified nodeselect_nodes_in_neighborhood
Cache a vector in the graphset_cache
Set the edge attribute values to be renderedset_edge_attr_to_display
Set edge attribute valuesset_edge_attrs
Set edge attributes with an edge selectionset_edge_attrs_ws
Convert an undirected graph to a directed graphset_graph_directed
Set graph nameset_graph_name
Set graph date-time and timezoneset_graph_time
Convert a directed graph to an undirected graphset_graph_undirected
Set the node attribute values to be renderedset_node_attr_to_display
Set node attribute values with a graph functionset_node_attr_w_fcn
Set node attribute valuesset_node_attrs
Set node attributes with a node selectionset_node_attrs_ws
Apply a layout position to a single nodeset_node_position
Convert a DiagrammeR graph to an igraph oneto_igraph
Create a complement of a graphtransform_to_complement_graph
Get a minimum spanning tree subgraphtransform_to_min_spanning_tree
Create a subgraph using a node or edge selectiontransform_to_subgraph_ws
Traverse from one or more selected nodes onto neighboring nodestrav_both
Traverse from one or more selected nodes onto adjacent edgestrav_both_edge
Traverse from one or more selected nodes onto adjacent, inward nodestrav_in
Traverse from one or more selected nodes onto adjacent, inward edgestrav_in_edge
Traverse from one or more selected edges onto adjacent, inward nodestrav_in_node
Traverse inward node-by-node until stopping conditions are mettrav_in_until
Traverse from one or more selected nodes onto adjacent, outward nodestrav_out
Traverse from one or more selected nodes onto adjacent, outward edgestrav_out_edge
Traverse from one or more selected edges onto adjacent, outward nodestrav_out_node
Traverse outward node-by-node until stopping conditions are mettrav_out_until
Traverse to any reverse edgestrav_reverse_edge
Trigger the execution of a series of graph actionstrigger_graph_actions
US Dollar exchange rates.usd_exchange_rates
Render graph with visNetworkvisnetwork