- DiagrammeR::currenciesISO-4217 currency data.
- DiagrammeR::edge_list_1Edge list - Version 1.
- DiagrammeR::edge_list_2Edge list - Version 2.
- DiagrammeR::node_list_1Node list - Version 1.
- DiagrammeR::node_list_2Node list - Version 2.
- DiagrammeR::usd_exchange_ratesUS Dollar exchange rates.
- gt::constantsThe fundamental physical constants
- gt::countrypopsYearly populations of countries from 1960 to 2023
- gt::exibbleA toy example tibble for testing with gt: exibble
- gt::filmsFeature films in competition at the Cannes Film Festival
- gt::gibraltarWeather conditions in Gibraltar, May 2023
- gt::gtcarsDeluxe automobiles from the 2014-2017 period
- gt::illnessLab tests for one suffering from an illness
- gt::metroThe stations of the Paris Metro
- gt::nuclidesNuclide data
- gt::peepsA table of personal information for people all over the world
- gt::photolysisData on photolysis rates for gas-phase organic compounds
- gt::pizzaplaceA year of pizza sales from a pizza place
- gt::reactionsReaction rates for gas-phase atmospheric reactions of organic compounds
- gt::rx_addvAn ADDV-flavored clinical trial toy dataset
- gt::rx_adslAn ADSL-flavored clinical trial toy dataset
- gt::sp500Daily S&P 500 Index data from 1950 to 2015
- gt::szaTwice hourly solar zenith angles by month & latitude
- gt::townyPopulations of all municipalities in Ontario from 1996 to 2021
- i18n::all_currency_codesA vector containing every currency code
- i18n::all_localesA vector containing all locale names
- i18n::character_labelsA table with localized character labels and descriptors
- i18n::charactersA table with localized character data
- i18n::currenciesA table with localized currency attributes and descriptors
- i18n::datesA table with localized date attributes and descriptors
- i18n::dates_genericA table with localized generic date attributes and descriptors
- i18n::day_periodsA table with rule sets for naming periods of a day
- i18n::default_localesA table containing a mapping of default locale names to base locales
- i18n::delimitersA table with localized delimiter values
- i18n::layoutA table with localized layout data
- i18n::locale_namesA table with localized language, script, and territory names
- i18n::num_system_digitsVectors of digits from various numbering systems
- i18n::numbersA table with localized numerical attributes and descriptors
- i18n::script_metadataA table with metadata for a wide variety of script types
- i18n::start_of_weekA table with the starting day of the week across territories
- i18n::tz_bcp_idA table with BCP47 Olson/IANA-style and canonical time zone IDs
- i18n::tz_exemplarA table with localized names for all time zone exemplar cities
- i18n::tz_formatsA table with localized time zone formatting information
- i18n::tz_mapA table with names of map-based time zones
- i18n::tz_metazone_namesA table with localized time zone names for all metazones
- i18n::tz_metazone_usersA table that links canonical tz names with their metazone
- i18n::unitsA table with localized data on units
- pointblank::game_revenueA table with game revenue data
- pointblank::game_revenue_infoA table with metadata for the 'game_revenue' dataset
- pointblank::small_tableA small table that is useful for testing
- pointblank::specificationsA table containing data pertaining to various specifications