Package: i18n

i18n: Internationalization Data from the 'Unicode CLDR' in Tabular Form

Up-to-date data from the 'Unicode CLDR Project' (where 'CLDR' stands for 'Common Locale Data Repository') are available here as a series of easy-to-parse datasets. Several functions are provided for extracting key elements from the tabular datasets.

Authors:Richard Iannone [aut, cre]

i18n.pdf |i18n.html
i18n/json (API)

# Install 'i18n' in R:
install.packages('i18n', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • all_currency_codes - A vector containing every currency code
  • all_locales - A vector containing all locale names
  • character_labels - A table with localized character labels and descriptors
  • characters - A table with localized character data
  • currencies - A table with localized currency attributes and descriptors
  • dates - A table with localized date attributes and descriptors
  • dates_generic - A table with localized generic date attributes and descriptors
  • day_periods - A table with rule sets for naming periods of a day
  • default_locales - A table containing a mapping of default locale names to base locales
  • delimiters - A table with localized delimiter values
  • layout - A table with localized layout data
  • locale_names - A table with localized language, script, and territory names
  • num_system_digits - Vectors of digits from various numbering systems
  • numbers - A table with localized numerical attributes and descriptors
  • script_metadata - A table with metadata for a wide variety of script types
  • start_of_week - A table with the starting day of the week across territories
  • tz_bcp_id - A table with BCP47 Olson/IANA-style and canonical time zone IDs
  • tz_exemplar - A table with localized names for all time zone exemplar cities
  • tz_formats - A table with localized time zone formatting information
  • tz_map - A table with names of map-based time zones
  • tz_metazone_names - A table with localized time zone names for all metazones
  • tz_metazone_users - A table that links canonical tz names with their metazone
  • units - A table with localized data on units


3.70 score 10 stars 9 scripts 223 downloads 14 exports 1 dependencies

Last updated 8 months agofrom:2ed2abb93c. Checks:4 OK, 4 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 10 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 10 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 10 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 10 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEFeb 10 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEFeb 10 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEFeb 10 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEFeb 10 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
A vector containing every currency codeall_currency_codes
A vector containing all locale namesall_locales
A table with localized character labels and descriptorscharacter_labels
A table with localized character datacharacters
Get localized values from the character_labels datasetcldr_character_labels
Get localized values from the characters datasetcldr_characters
Get a single localized value from the currencies datasetcldr_currencies
Get a single localized value from the dates datasetcldr_dates
Get a localized list of locale names from the locale_names datasetcldr_locale_names
Get a single localized value from the numbers datasetcldr_numbers
A table with localized currency attributes and descriptorscurrencies
A table with localized date attributes and descriptorsdates
A table with localized generic date attributes and descriptorsdates_generic
A table with rule sets for naming periods of a dayday_periods
A table containing a mapping of default locale names to base localesdefault_locales
A table with localized delimiter valuesdelimiters
Element lists for different _CLDR_ data tablescharacters_elements currencies_elements currency_code_list dates_elements element_lists locale_list locale_names_elements numbers_elements
A table with localized layout datalayout
A table with localized language, script, and territory nameslocale_names
Vectors of digits from various numbering systemsnum_system_digits
A table with localized numerical attributes and descriptorsnumbers
A table with metadata for a wide variety of script typesscript_metadata
A table with the starting day of the week across territoriesstart_of_week
A table with BCP47 Olson/IANA-style and canonical time zone IDstz_bcp_id
A table with localized names for all time zone exemplar citiestz_exemplar
A table with localized time zone formatting informationtz_formats
A table with names of map-based time zonestz_map
A table with localized time zone names for all metazonestz_metazone_names
A table that links canonical tz names with their metazonetz_metazone_users
A table with localized data on unitsunits